I have also been trying an idea I had with member families. We teach them a short powerful lesson, then give them two banana breads or plates of brownies: one for them and one to give to friends. If their friends like it, we ask them to invite them over and we will make the dessert together. It is a non-threatening way to introduce people to missionaries. We've only just started it so we will see how it goes."
2 COMMENTS (click):
What an ingenious idea!!!
Меня зовут Бретт Мартин Смит. Мой сын, Пресвитер Паркер Мартин Смит, и он в настоящее время является лидером зоны, выступающей в Донецке миссии Украины. Моя дочь зовут Кристина Лорен Смит, и она присутствует Восточной Аризона колледж в Тэтчер, Аризона стать медсестрой. Итак... что подводит меня к этому блогу? Я Уорд миссионер в Месы, штат Аризона - Ward.and склоне холма, я выхожу несколько раз в неделю с миссионеров полную... Старший Портер из Айдахо и Пресвитер Гилберт из Айдахо..... .в последний является то, что знает Пресвитер Schmutz. Скажите Привет к Пресвитер Schmutz от Пресвитер Гилберт.
Может быть разогрет вашу жизнь любовью семьи и друзей, оживляет светом наш Спаситель и Спасителя Иисуса Христа и наполнен мира, зная, что Бог живет и любит нас безоговорочно.
Пожалуйста, посетите:
Бретт м. Смит
--------------------- translated with Bing Translator - although I have Rosetta Stone Russian, I know very little Russian --------------
My name is Brett Martin Smith. My son, Elder Parker Martin Smith, and he is currently a Zone Leader serving in the Ukraine Donetsk Mission. My daughter's name is Kristina Lauren Smith and she is attending Eastern Arizona College in Thatcher, Arizona to become a nurse. So... what brings me to this blog? I am a Ward Missionary in Mesa, Arizona - Hillside Ward.and I go out several times a week with the Full Time Missionaries... Elder Porter from Idaho and Elder Gilbert from Idaho... ...the latter being the one that knows Elder Schmutz. Say hi to Elder Schmutz from Elder Gilbert.
May your lives be warmed by the love of family and friends, brightened by the light of our Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ, and filled with the peace in knowing that God lives and loves us unconditionally.
Please visit:
Brett M. Smith
I also leave you with a hymn text I wrote with a friend - If anybody can write music better than I, which is easy to do, put it to music
Lift Up Your Heart
Lift up your heart, lift up your voice
Sing praises to Him who dwells on high
Lift up your heart, be glad and rejoice
Honor to Him who for us did die
Lift up your heart; glorious psalm
His love is our calm at the eye
Lift up your heart, He steadies the storm
He is love, He is peace, He is Life
Though my soul it may roar and be troubled
Though my spirit at times it does quake
I will not lose my faith through the battle
God is my refuge and strength
Though the suf'ring seem long and I weary
I'll endure to the end of each day
I will not lose my sight in the darkness
God is the light and the way
Lift up your heart, lift up your voice
Sing praises to Him who dwells on high
Lift up your heart, be glad and rejoice
Honor to Him who for us did die
Lift up your heart; glorious psalm
His love is our calm at the eye
Lift up your heart, He steadies the storm
He is love, He is peace, He is life
I'll let not my heart fill with torment
I'll let not my soul be afraid
I'll strengthen with might by his Spirit
I'll lengthen the peace in my day
I'll open my heart to the Master
I'll baptize my days with His love
I'll then know and feel of His comfort
Soft as the song of a dove
Lift up your heart, lift up your voice
Sing praises to Him who dwells on high
Lift up your heart, be glad and rejoice
Honor to Him who for us did die
Lift up your heart; glorious psalm
His love is our calm at the eye
Lift up your heart, He steadies the storm
He is love, He is peace, He is life
Text: Sandi Adair and Brett Martin Smith © 2002
Artwork: "The Savior" Brett Martin Smith © 2002
Moses 7: 44 Joel 2 Psalms 46
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