Chris LOVED the festivities for the dedication of the temple and was especially happy to see how excited everyone was to meet President Monson. Later in the week, he was assigned to be DL and a trainer--making a new companion every single transfer for the first year of his mission. He promises to treat this one better so that he'll stay longer, ha ha! Chris had a funny story this week:
On Saturday Elder Tucker and the other new missionaries came into Kyiv. We had a meeting where they bore their testimony in the mission language, then their trainer would reveal himself by standing, saying where they would serve, and bearing his testimony in the language. I started off in Russian for fun and startled Elder Tucker a little, but quickly reverted to Ukrainian. He is from Oklahoma, a little shorter and with reddish blonde hair. He is of Irish descent and looks very Irish indeed to me. He is very good at Ukrainian already and impressed all the members with his testimony on Sunday. He also plays piano very well, which is a blessing to the branch and earns him big points with President Polishuk.He seems ready to work and we had a very good start to the week with some solid lessons yesterday. It is good to finally be in Lutsk and know I'll be there solidly for a while.